In Nagpur Forest Division encompassing approx 1.5 lakh ha, approx 533 villages are forest fringed. The forest is rich in biodiversity there are 1136 plant species which fall under 669 genera and 142 families according to Flora of Nagpur District (Ugemuge, 1986),. Collection of NTFP (Non timber forest produce) provides employment to thousands of people. Only tendu collection provides employment to approx 18000 families in the division.
Most of the NTFPs collected in the division are sold to middleman yielding very low return. Besides, unsustainable collection is leading forest destruction. Poverty and unemployment is leading to migration. Furthermore, because of being situated in the corridors of Pench, Bor, Umred Karandhala, Navegaon Nazgira and Tadoba, movement of wild animal is everywhere. During last three years, department has witnessed approx 16 thousand cases of crop depredation 1423 cattle death due to wild animal attack. The long term solution to all these problems would be providing livelihood opportunities based upon the forest. Besides, it will generate belongingness of community towards the forest which is very vital for long term conservation of the forest.

Generating livelihood for the people living in ad adjusting path is most important factor in long term conservation of forest and wild life. With the same goal plans were prepared. Meeting were held with M.B.G. (Mahila Bachat Gat) to mobilize than and knowing their issue.
Meetings were held with MBGs (Mahila Bachat Gat) to mobilize them and knowing their issues.
Village wise availability of the NTFP (non timber forest produce) was assessed. Local market were surveyed for the demand and designing of different products and consumer expectations. Literature regarding the other livelihood projects were surveyed to assess the gaps in planning. After the detailed planning, livelihood project under the Brand name vanamrut was started. Under the project currently 20 bachat guts are working in 9 villages in Ramtek Taluka encompassing Paoni, Devalapar and Ramtek Ranges providing employment to around 200 ladies.
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